Year 11 Revision Carousel & Prom Passport

Thu 23 Jan 2025
Thursday 23 January 2025

Dear Parent / Carer

Revision Carousel Event

On Tuesday 28 January 2025 we will be hosting our Year 11 Revision Carousel in the Main Hall.  
This is a drop in event running between 3:00pm and 4:30pm where we would encourage you to attend with your child to collect revision resources from each of their subjects.  

You can arrive at any time, there is no set presentation taking place and each subject will have their own stall giving out resources and advice around revision.  Our careers adviser will also be present should you wish to ask for any advice on Post 16 options.  

If parents are unable to attend, students are welcome to come and collect any resources on their own; however we would encourage you to accompany your child where possible to hear first hand the messages students are receiving around revision and what this should look like in each subject.

Prom Passport

This week we have also launched our ‘Prom Passport’ with our Year 11 students.  This is what we expect our students to achieve in order to be able to attend the Year 11 Prom in June; this is a privilege and not a right.  

We have devised a system where students are awarded points for doing the things that are expected of them, and could lose points if they don’t. 
We are asking students to have 100 points by May half term in order to be eligible to attend Prom.  
Students will be awarded points for the following:

  • Attendance on time (1 point per day, 73 available up to May half term)
  • Attending enrichment (1 point per session, roughly 60 available up to May half term)
  • Completing tassomai weekly goals (2 points per weekly goal met, 30 available)
  • Receiving no sanctions in a week (2 points per week, 30 available)
  • Fully completing all mock exams in March (10 points if all exams fully attempted).

Points are lost for:

  • Any escalation of a sanction to a C5 by refusing to attend detention (-5 points)
  • Any Internal truancy by refusing to attend a lesson (-2 points)
  • Poor engagement in tassomai each week, less than 20% of weekly goals met (-2 point per week)
  • Anything that would lead to disqualification from an exam or mock exam, such as walking out, disturbing others or having a prohibited item (-15 points)
  • Any suspension (-30 points).

There will also be opportunities to gain bonus points for special events, eg completing holiday homework or attending revision sessions before exams.  These will be communicated to students in advance. 

As always our focus is on rewarding the right behaviours.  So in that spirit as an extra incentive,  any student who manages to accrue a total of over 150 points will be entered into a prize draw to win a free Prom ticket. 

Students need to gain approximately 6-7 points each week to be on track to be eligible to attend.  Points totals will be updated and shared each week during tutor time so students know where they stand and if they are on track.  Students not on track will be supported in getting back on track through conversations with tutors.  As you can see there is ample opportunity for students to gain enough points to attend, they just need to attend every day, go to lessons, attend enrichment and engage in revision.  No exceptions will be made for students who don’t have a total of at least 100.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 28 January.

Yours sincerely

Rob McGreal
Outwood Academy Bydales