Dear Parent/Carer
Y7 Design Technology 2023-24: Voluntary Contributions
I really hope that your child has enjoyed their start to the academic year within Design Technology. Our curriculum is designed to inspire and develop both design and practical life skills in preparation for further study and which some students may take further as a career in years to come.
In order for us to provide a curriculum that involves this amount of practical work, it requires resources which can not be reused and we are therefore asking for a voluntary contribution of £15 for each Y7 student which would cover the full academic year. We are fully aware that this is an expensive time of year and therefore request that the payment is made when suitable; this is not required immediately.
These funds will cover some of the consumable costs in all three areas of the curriculum; Food, Textiles and Engineering. Students will bring home their products which they have created and made. Unfortunately, without these contributions we will be unable to provide the hands-on practical experience which our students thoroughly enjoy. Our Y7 learning journeys demonstrate how knowledge and practical skills are developed throughout our schemes of work in each area and are available to view in the students’ Google Classrooms.
The £15 contributions should be made via the ipay account under the area of ‘Y7 DT annual contribution’.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Nicole Hill
Head of Arts, Performance and Technology (APT)